July in lockdown still brought fireworks and red, white and blue and it brought another fun surprise to HGTV and Luxe Property Group! Last year, I spent 40+ hours filming with a crew in Austin for an episode of House Hunters that finally premiered on July 2nd! It was so much fun to see behind the scenes of the TV world and to work with existing clients at the same time. You can tune in here to watch the episode and let me know if you want an autograph…just kidding!!!
Our weather in May and June seemed to be very non “Texas-like”. Waking up to cool 60-70 degree mornings and only seeing highs in the 80’s was an unexpected treat. It was like Mother Nature knew we needed to go on more walks with family (or by ourselves) so she threw us a bone. But just when we started to feel a little spoiled, Bam! July is here and triple digits are back and showing no mercy. Those with swimming pools are patting themselves on the back for making that risky decision way back when and those without are contemplating the true risk factor of busting out that slip and slide (I heard a little soap increases the fun and risk factor exponentially).
No matter what your water access situation, it’s hot and LuxePG is here to help with ways to stay entertained and beat the heat. Or at least put up a good fight.
With Covid-19 cases on the rise, most of us are putting even more thought into what we are doing in our free time. Staying active still takes more planning and precaution. With that in mind, we are sharing one road trip, one stay-at-home trip, and one local favorite for take-out. Here goes!
About 40 miles southwest of Austin, you’ll find the sweet town of Wimberley. Home to Cypress Falls Swimming Hole that is still open for swimming, floating and fun! The spring fed waters are cool throughout the year and hold a few fun history facts you can read about here. For day trip details, check out hours and restrictions, wristbands must be purchased from the Cypress Falls Lodge for access and range from $0-$10. Float and boat rentals are extra. The staff encourages you to bring your own food since the on-site restaurant is closed, however do not bring your own booze! They have to-go drinks available from Eagle Rock Drafthouse for those that would like to imbibe responsibly.
If you are staying home and on the endless hunt for new things to do, may we suggest Museum and a Movie? #MuseumFromHome is still happening at the Blanton Museum of Art. Every Tuesday at 5pm, join in on Curated Conversations and Live Q & A with the Blanton staff. You can view all Curated Conversations here. Also, check out photos from the Great Blanton Bakeoff! I really hope they do this again. The creativity of both professional and amateur bakers is so fun to see!
After a virtual, yet intellectual, visit to the museum, it’s movie time! A few of our favorites that are new to streaming are Hamilton, Onward, and keep an eye out in August for The One and Only Ivan and Mulan! If you are looking to give family movie night an upgrade, how about movies in the pool? Projectors and screens have come down pretty significantly in price in the last few years. And while it’s still an investment, many of us have cancelled summer trips, freeing up a little cash for fun staycations. A great hack is sewing two king size sheets together for a screen and just investing in a projector! No pool? May we suggest private viewing swim pods (see above inflatable kiddie pool!)
Lastly, we are lucky in Austin to have zero shortage in amazing take out food from local eateries. If you haven’t seen Bird, Bird, Biscuits Instagram, I suggest you take a look. But don’t do it when you’re hungry because you may actually eat your phone. They are opening a new location right around the corner on Koenig (in the previous Thunderbirds spot). Thunderbirds coffee will still be available on-site in a trailer, so we don’t need to say goodbye to them! BBB is only taking take-away pre-orders (no walk ups or phone calls). Check out their website for order instructions and opening news for the new location. And don’t eat your laptop either 🙂
The whole team at Luxe PG is rooting for each and every one of you and hoping that during these stressful times, you are still able to find a smile here and there. If you need us for anything, we are here and committed as ever!
Team Luxe